The Keating Technologies Inc. Customer Service Standards (CSS) are levels of service that we strive to provide under normal circumstances when you contact us.
When you contact us by telephone:
Calls will be answered during business hours (9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.) unless received through a call centre or directed to voice mail.
Calls received through a call centre will be answered within two minutes unless otherwise communicated.
Voice mail messages will be returned within two business days (48 hours).
When you visit our in-person offices:
Business hours will be 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday (except statutory holidays) unless otherwise posted.
When you write to us by e-mail or contact us online:
Messages that require a response will be acknowledged and answered within two business days (48 hours).
If a conclusive response is not possible, an interim response along with an estimated date for a complete response will be provided within two business days (48 hours).
When you write to us by mail or fax:
Letters by mail or fax that require a response will be answered within 10 business days.
If a conclusive response is not possible, an interim response along with an estimated date for a complete response will be provided within 10 business days.